Ridgefield NJ Republican Committee

Mo is a Winner

Your Vote Counts!
Your Vote Counts!
Your Vote Counts!
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Newly elected Ridgefield Republican Councilman Mohamed Jaafar is sworn in by attorney Giancarlo Ghione at the m/c reorganization meeting.
Witnesses are BCRO Chairman Jack D’Lorenzo and Billy Prempeh. Pictured with Mo is his Grandmother Zahra Jaafar.
Congratulations Mohamed!!!
Dear Voter,
We Thank You for your trust!!!
Looking forward we intend to make every effort to deliver a more citizen based government for our Ridgefield Residents. We hope to hear from you about your ideas and needs.

Thank you,
The Ridgefield Republican Team

We are visible in the community and approachable
To Restore and Retain
Fiscal Oversight
Strategic Vision
Quality of Life Projects
To The Borough of Ridgefield
A Vote for the Republican Team is a Vote For
Open and Honest Local Government
Paid for by Ridgefield Republican Municipal Committee 907 Elm Ave. Ridgefield, NJ. 07657
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